The Archway Metal Detector (AMD), also known as the Walk-Through Metal Detector (WMD), is a specialized machine that looks like a sizable door frame used for object detection. Our team of technical specialists at Bright Solutions makes sure that an AMD is constructed flawlessly and precisely. Their primary objective is to find anything that poses a harm to the surroundings. As a result, the system emits an alarm whenever it discovers anything suspicious.
- Making the AMD completely water resistant or waterproof is an ultimate challenge we faced.
- Any substantial metal objects should be kept away from the AMD’s 1 meter radius.
- To keep the door from trembling in the event of a collision or severe gusts, we needed to ensure the metal detector installation in the archway is firmly anchored.
- We had to enhance the AMD’s sensitivity.
- We optimized the AMD’s identification items’ accuracy and false alarm rate in order to accurately detect and distinguish any suspicious object.
- The rapidity of reverting to the standby state will enable numerous visitors to pass through in the allotted period without compromising the metal detector’s performance.
- Evaluation & Survey of Current Infrastructure, known as the Requirement Analysis.
- Assortment of products for Installation.
- Extensive Examination for perfect setup.
- Constant maintenance and support for efficiency.